Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)
Protect the White Iron Chain of Lakes
The White Iron Chain of Lakes is renowned for its clean water, good fishing, and wonderful recreational opportunities. For many of us, fishing and recreation in the White Iron Chain of Lakes are one of life’s greatest pleasures. For others, the health and vibrancy of this unique water resource are much more critical…it is a passion and way of life. We need your help to ensure that the waters of this chain of lakes remain clean and pure forever.
Today these waters of our chain could come under attack by aquatic invaders. These aquatic invaders have NO known native predators in our waters. Aquatic invasive species (AIS) such as zebra mussels, rusty crayfish, spiny water flea, Eurasian watermilfoil, and others degrade water quality, destroy fisheries, and disrupt recreational activities. Some of these invaders (rusty crayfish) are already present in our lakes with others (spiny water fleas) in nearby area lakes. We need your help in stopping the further spread of these “aquatic hitchhikers”.
The methods for preventing the spread of AIS are simple and do not take much time. These invasive plants and animals “hitch a ride” on our boats, trailers, jet skis, fishing gear, and other recreational gear. Anglers, boaters, and other watercraft users MUST TAKE ACTION to prevent the spread of invasive species into the White Iron Chain. Cleaning your equipment properly is the best preventative measure for stopping the spread of AIS.
The simple solution is: CLEAN, DRAIN, DRY all watercraft and equipment every time before transporting it.
- CLEAN watercraft, trailer, motor, and equipment. REMOVE ALL visible aquatic plants, zebra mussels, and other animals and mud before leaving any water access.
- DRAIN water from the boat, bilge, motor, and livewell by removing the drain plug and opening all water draining devices away from the boat ramp.
- DRY everything at least 5 days before going to other waters or SPRAY / RINSE your equipment with high pressure and/or hot water (120oF/50oC or higher)
Minnesota state law requires such preventive measures.
Remember, it might be that what you do not see may infect the waters. The larva of zebra mussels and many other species are often microscopic and easy to overlook. These tiny organisms can live for days in water in boat hulls, livewells, and bait buckets. If transported to new waters, they can grow into adults, reproduce, and spread, threatening the White Iron Chain of Lakes.
Make sure you CLEAN, DRAIN, DRY before launching your boat into the White Iron Chain of Lakes and that you decontaminate your boat each and every time when moving from area lake-to-lake.