White Iron Chain Of Lakes Association
USFS Prescribed Burn; 8-5-17 Update
The USFS conducted a Prescribed Burn on White Iron Lake yesterday August 4th. The purpose of the prescribed burn was fuel reduction and ecosystem management.
(See 8/4/17 WICOLA Latest News Article for details)
The USFS reports that the fire behavior was moderate which was what fire managers planned. Fuels were not too wet nor too dry and there was good consumption in most of the unit. In some portions the fire left a mosaic of burned and unburned fuels.
Tomorrow through the weekend, some pockets of fuels will be ignited, especially along the north line. Hose lays and sprinklers will be used and crews will be monitoring fire activity. Visitors and residents will see and smell smoke through the weekend. A northwest wind is predicted for tomorrow pushing most of the smoke to the southeast. The north line will be patrolled until there is a soaking rain or fire behavior is minimal.

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